[:es]Polo players, like all sportsmen, have to work on the strength of all parts of their body.
They particularly have to focus on flexibility and their core. Although polo players, like Adolfo Cambiaso and the Novillo-Astrada brothers, look fit on the horse, look at them when they come off it. Look at their shoulders, the way they walk. They have a lot of groin injuries. It is a good indicator of what they go through.
Polo players need posture, core, and flexibility; they need to maintain that as a fundamental. Strength-work and weights are the foundation, but what I’m looking at is strengthening the cores of these polo players and educating them on the fundamentals of core training. Most high goal teams have trainers now.
Polo players are probably in the top 10 sports for endurance. If you take a polo player off a horse, the top level players would make good golfers because of the hand-eye coordination, and also good squash players. Endurance wise, they’d be good at running 10km. [:]