La Carona Polo Club

man playing polo

Main Hits in Polo

[:es]Polo is an exciting equestrian sport that combines speed, skill, and strategy. At the heart of this thrilling game are the main hits, powerful maneuvers executed by players that show their abilities and contribute significantly to the momentum and outcome of each match. One of the most iconic hits in polo is the “neck shot.” …

Main Hits in Polo Leer más »

Adolfo Cambiaso: A Polo Legend and Inspiration at Our Polo Club

[:es]Polo, often referred to as the “Sport of Kings,” is a world where exceptional athletes shine brightly. Today, we celebrate one of the sport’s most iconic figures, Adolfo Cambiaso, whose prowess on the field is nothing short of extraordinary. Join us as we delve into the extraordinary career of this polo legend and how you …

Adolfo Cambiaso: A Polo Legend and Inspiration at Our Polo Club Leer más »

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